Pre-Departure Info!
So here it is finally, my blog dedicated to my exploits in Japan! At this point I'm only about 15 days away from departure, which is pretty hard to believe. To think that this time next month I'll be half way around the world is rather mind-boggling!
I'll be headed to a city called Sasebo, on Japan's southern-most main island, Kyushu. Here is a visual reference for you all:

Sasebo is there on the left hand side, between the two big cities of Fukuoka and Nagasaki. It has about 250,000 people living there, and is home to a large American Naval base. Needless to say, I'll be wearing my Canadian flag pin on my person pretty much constantly. ;p
I've been told its generally very hot, and especially since its Japan, humid. At least it won't get too cold in the winter - just damp. Well, and cold too. Har.
Anywhoo, I'll be teaching at Sasebo West High School, an 'Academic' school that looks pretty awesome! It actually has a website, so check it out!
It actually has a/c and heating, hooo haa! Apparently that's pretty dang rare in Japan, believe it or not, so I'm rather jazzed aboot that right thar.
My predecessor, the guy I'm replacing, is named Brendan, and he's been incredibly helpful. He even sent me some pictures of the apartment I'll be moving into, which is still his for now. I'm gonna copy and paste the notes he sent with them, so just keep that in mind. :P

2 pictures of the front and side. As you can see it’s raised off the street. Those side windows are opaque. You can see my shirt hanging because it’s pressed right against the window. As you’ll see, most of the other apts aren’t as bright. The back faces due east so you get sun in the morning.

The Shamazaki’s: Kyousuke, Koichi, Hiromune, and Chihiro. Kyousuke and Hiromune catching bugs. (note from me: these are the people who were living above my predecessor, but I believe they're moving out. Cute kids, but they have tappy little feet and I won't be missing those!)
The entrance and kitchen. Separate shower and wc are located to the left when you enter.
The kitchen leads straight into the bedroom.
If you turn left before the washing machine there’re the shower and wc. After the washing machine…

These rooms can be separated w/ sliding doors. I have them out because the weather is warm. Lots of storage space. The bedroom has a big closet too.
For now that's all that I have, but as I get more updates and pictures I'll hopefully bring those in too! Maybe the next ones will be from Tokyo! ...probably, actually. *laughs*
ta ta for now ^^